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P. 8
12 y 13 años
Myths and Legends Myths and Legends El libro de la selva Romeo y Julieta
of the Peruvian Coast 1 of the Peruvian Coast 2 Colección Ambrosía Literaria Colección Clásicos
Colección Propiedad Peruana Colección Propiedad Peruana Rudyard Kipling de la Literatura en Cómics
César Toro Montalvo César Toro Montalvo Es la historia de un niño perdido William Shakespeare
(Traducción: Obla Paliza) (Traducción: Obla Paliza) en medio de la selva y la forma Historia que relata la tragedia
All ancient cultures that developed on All ancient cultures that developed on en que sobrevive con ayuda de de amor de Romeo y Julieta,
the coast have in common the fact the coast have in common the fact los lobos, el oso pardo Baloo y pertenecientes a las familias
that they depend on the sea for their that they depend on the sea for their la pantera negra Bagheera. Al rivales de los Montesco y los
survival and expansion. The stories survival and expansion. The stories crecer el niño surgen diferencias Capuleto, quienes a pesar de
selected for these two books describe selected for these two books describe entre él y los animales que lo la oposición de sus familias,
events that took place since the events that took place since the ayudaron, lo que ocasiona al deciden casarse y vivir juntos.
creation of the world until the arrival creation of the world until the arrival
of the first Spanish conquerors in the of the first Spanish conquerors in the final su partida a la civilización. Sin embargo, una serie de
north of Peru. north of Peru. Valores: amistad, bondad, acontecimientos conducirán a
Many of these stories have been Many of these stories have been libertad, ternura y valentía. esta pareja a un destino fatal.
adapted for a better comprehension adapted for a better comprehension 14,5 × 20,5 cm / 264 pp. Valores: Amor, compasión
and a more enjoyable reading, and and a more enjoyable reading, and y valentía.
are accompanied with colourful are accompanied with colourful
illustrations. illustrations. 14,5 × 20.5 cm / 128 pp.
Valores: Amor a la naturaleza, Valores: Empatía, solidaridad y
amor a los animales y conciencia amor a la naturaleza.
ambiental. 19 x 20 cm / 120 y 132 pp.
19 x 20 cm / 120 y 132 pp.
Myths and Legends of the Peruvian Andes 1 / 2 Myths and Legends of the Peruvian Jungle 1 / 2
Colección Propiedad Peruana Colección Propiedad Peruana
César Toro Montalvo César Toro Montalvo
(Traducción: Obla Paliza) (Traducción: Obla Paliza)
The stories from the Andes deal with the importance our ancestors The jungle is full of magic and the stories presented in these volumes
gave to natural phenomena. In these myths and legends nature is a are accounts of wild animals and trees which at the beginning of time
living being and coexists with men sharing resources and keeping were humans. They also show how men managed to live in harmony
good relations; at the same time nature can judge and punish bad with nature. The mystery of the jungle with its mighty power over all
behaviour or reward kindness and good actions. the living creatures is wonderfully presented in many of these stories,
as well as the way how the challenges nature puts before men are
Valores: Amor a los animales, conciencia ambiental faced and solved thanks to their courage and wisdom.
y convivencia. Valores: Amor a la naturaleza, amor a los animales y conciencia
19 x 20 cm / 114 y 132 pp. ambiental.
8 19 x 20 cm / 144 y 132 pp.